On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are very pleased to invite you to attend the Annual World Conference on Carbon to be held in Shanghai during July 24-29, 2011 (Carbon2011). We cordially welcome you from all over the world to the Conference Center at East China University of Science and Technology to communicate with each other.
The Annual World Conference on Carbon, which is held in the American, Asian, and European continents alternately since 2000, is a unique chance for the academic and industrial people involved in the science and technology of carbon materials and relative fields to assemble and discuss their current research. East China University of Science and Technology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, co-host the Carbon2011 under the guidance the Asian Association of Carbon Groups.
With the rapid development of carbon science and technology, carbon materials play an important role in our daily life. Carbon is old, but it is new. With discoveries of fullerene in 1985, carbon nanotube in 1991 and graphene in 2004, carbon always attracts much attention. “Nice Carbon, Nice Life” is the theme for Carbon2011 and will become a forever theme. Carbon exhibits electronic and structural versatility, extreme properties and abundance, having become more and more indispensable in our modern society. We can surprisingly find that we are nearly covered with carbon-based and derived goods everywhere. Advances in nanocarbons continue to deeply improve understanding of the fundamentals of carbon materials and reveal exciting new applications.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy an impressive conference in Shanghai, China.