

论文作者:张宝 彭春丽

文章页码:1106 - 1109


Key words:LiFePO4; aqueous precipitation; carbothermal reduction; cooling rate

摘    要:以FeSO4·7H2O和NH4H2PO4为原料,H2O2为氧化剂,通过液相沉淀法制备前驱体FePO4,然后通过碳热还原法合成LiFePO4;研究降温速度对产物晶型结构、形貌以及电化学性能的影响。从LiFePO4的扫描照片可以看出,随着降温速度的变慢,样品的粒径逐渐增大。电化学性能研究表明:降温速度不宜过大或过小,最适宜的降温速度为2 ℃/min。该条件下合成的材料以0.1C倍率充放电时其首次放电容量为153 mA·h/g,以1C倍率充放电时其首次放电容量达136 mA·h/g,且循环性能好。

Abstract: LiFePO4 was prepared by carbothermal reduction of FePO4, which was synthesized by aqueous precipitation from FeSO4?7H2O and NH4H2PO4 and hydrogen peroxide as the oxidizing agent. The effect of cooling rate on the structure, morphology and electrochemical performance was investigated. Scanning electron microscope images show that the particle size of LiFePO4 becomes bigger as cooling rate gets slower. The optimum performance of sample is synthesized at cooling rate of 2 ℃/min, with the discharge capacity of 153 mA?h/g at rate of 0.1C and 136 mA.h/g at rate of 1C and good cycling performance is obtained.


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