Effect of homogenization treatment on microstructure and properties of Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr alloy


论文作者:聂波 尹志民 朱大鹏 彭勇宜 姜锋 黄继武

文章页码:452 - 452

Key words:Sc; Zr; Al-Mg-Mn alloy; homogenization; Al3(Sc, Zr) precipitation; microstructures; tensile properties; hardness

Abstract: The effect of homogenization on the hardness, tensile properties, electrical conductivity and microstructure of as-cast Al-6Mg-0.4Mn-0.25Sc-0.12Zr alloy was studied. The results show that during homogenization as-cast studied alloy has obviously hardening effect that is similar to aging hardening behavior in traditional Al alloys. The precipitates are mainly Al3(Sc,Zr) and Al6Mn. When homogenization temperature increases the hardness peak value is declined and the time corresponding to hardness peak value is shortened. The electrical conductivity of the alloy monotonously increases with increasing homogenization temperature and time. The decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution containing Sc and Zr which is formed during direct chilling casting and the precipitation of Al3(Sc, Zr) cause hardness increasing. The depletion of the matrix solid solubility decreases the ability of electron scattering in the alloy, resulting in the electrical conductivity increased. Tensile property result at hot rolling state shows that the optimal homogenization treatment processing is holding at 300-350 ℃ for 6-8 h.

基金信息:the National Key Fundamental Research and Development Program of China
the National 10th Five-Year Plan Program

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