Processing, microstructure, andproperties of laser remelted Al2O3/Y3Al5O12(YAG) eutectic in situ composite
论文作者:苏海军 张军 刘林 傅恒志
文章页码:1259 - 1264
Key words:Al2O3/Y3Al5O12(YAG); eutectic; in situ composite; laser remelting; microstructure; properties
Abstract: Laser remelting and rapid solidification were performed in preparing the high-performance Al2O3/Y3Al5O12(YAG) eutectic in situ composite. The microstructure characteristic and solidification behavior were studied using scanningelectron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS), X-ray diffractometry(XRD) and simultaneous thermal analysis(STA). The hardness and fracture toughness were obtained using an indentation technique. The results show that the laser remelted Al2O3/YAG composite has a homogeneous eutectic microstructure without microcrack and pore. The component phases of Al2O3 and YAG are three-dimensionally and continuously reticular connected, and finely coupled without grain boundaries, colonies and amorphous phases between interfaces. The eutectic interspacing is greatly refined with increasing the scanning rate and average is only 1 mm. The synthetical thermal analysis indicates that the eutectic temperature of Al2O3-YAG is 1 824 ℃, well matching the phase diagram of Al2O3-Y2O3 system. The maximum hardness reaches 19.5 GPa and the room fracture toughness is 3.6 MPa·m1/2.
基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China
the Aeronautical Science Foundation of China
the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China
the Foundation Research Fund of Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
SU Hai-jun(苏海军), ZHANG Jun(张 军), LIU Lin(刘 林), FU Heng-zhi(傅恒志)
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, China
Received 15 July 2007; accepted 10 September 2007
Abstract: Laser remelting and rapid solidification were performed in preparing the high-performance Al2O3/Y3Al5O12(YAG) eutectic in situ composite. The microstructure characteristic and solidification behavior were studied using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS), X-ray diffractometry(XRD) and simultaneous thermal analysis(STA). The hardness and fracture toughness were obtained using an indentation technique. The results show that the laser remelted Al2O3/YAG composite has a homogeneous eutectic microstructure without microcrack and pore. The component phases of Al2O3 and YAG are three-dimensionally and continuously reticular connected, and finely coupled without grain boundaries, colonies and amorphous phases between interfaces. The eutectic interspacing is greatly refined with increasing the scanning rate and average is only 1 mm. The synthetically thermal analysis indicates that the eutectic temperature of Al2O3-YAG is 1 824 ℃, well matching the phase diagram of Al2O3-Y2O3 system. The maximum hardness reaches 19.5 GPa and the room fracture toughness is 3.6 MPa?m1/2.
Key words: Al2O3/Y3Al5O12(YAG); eutectic; in situ composite; laser remelting; microstructure; properties
1 Introduction
To solve increasingly serious energy resources problems and keep sound, sustainable economic growth, it is highly required to rapidly improve the thermal efficiency and decrease the energy consumption in advanced power generator field. The second law of thermodynamics determines that the efficiency of a thermal engine increases with the maximum temperature in the cycle, and consequently, leading to vigorous searching for a new structural material with excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperatures (1 400- 1 700 ℃) over the world[1].
Currently, oxide-based ceramic materials are well recognized as ones that can survive in oxidizing environments at temperatures approaching or exceeding 1 400 ℃[2]. However, most monophasic polycrystalline oxide ceramics prepared by powder sintering method can not be used at elevated temperatures due to the glassy phase at the grain boundaries, which results in a significant reduction in strength above 1 100 ℃[3]. As the eutectic phases are all grown simultaneously from melt, eutectic in situ composite fabricated by directional solidification shows extremely fine microstructure in the submicron range, high-density interfacial area and strong bonded interface, and consequently, resulting in high microstructural and chemical stability up to temperatures even close to the melting point. Additionally, it combines the properties of distinct constitutes into one material, eliminates the manmade interface incompatibility and effectively avoids grain boundaries. Therefore, applying directional solidification technique to prepare eutectic ceramic in situ composite is very hopeful to provide a novel, potential method to improve properties of oxide ceramics. WAKU et al[4] reported that directionally solidified Al2O3/YAG and Al2O3/GdAlO3 eutectic ceramics exhibited excellent mechanical properties at high temperatures. For example, Al2O3/YAG can maintain flexural strength of 360-500 MPa from room temperature to 1 800 ℃ (melting temperature 1 826 ℃) in air[3]. The compression creep strength at 1 600 ℃ is about 13 times higher than that of sintered composites with the same chemical composition[5]. The eutectic also has outstanding corrosion resistance in humid environments at high temperatures[6]. So, directionally solidified Al2O3/YAG eutectic in situ composite has become the most promising candidate as high- temperature structural materials [7].
However, most previous studies about the Al2O3/YAG eutectic mainly focus on investigations of the mechanical properties under slow growth rate by directional solidification[3-5]. The microstructure, solidification behavior and mechanical properties of the eutectic under rapid growth rate are rarely studied up to now. Recently, laser zone melting technique has been successfully used to directionally grow oxide eutectic ceramics with advantages of the absence of any container or die (avoiding possible sources of contamination), high melting temperature, steep temperature gradient, fast growing rate and low cost. The present study aims to present the preparation, rapid solidification charac- teristics and growth mechanism of Al2O3/YAG eutectic ceramic in situ composite. Then the hardness and room-temperature fracture toughness of the as-solidified composites are investigated by the micro-indentation method.
2 Experimental
2.1 Sample preparation
The starting materials were prepared by mixing the high purity nano-powders of Al2O3 and Y2O3 corresponding to eutectic composition using ball-milling. The mole fraction ratio of Al2O3 to Y2O3 was 82?18[8]. The precursor rods of d 7 mm×60 mm samples were prepared after mixing, pressing and sintering at 1 500 ℃ for 2 h. With 5 kW ROFIN-SINAR850 CO2 laser, the laser zone remelting was carried out in a vacuum chamber. The sample was moved by the numerically-controlled worktable with 5-axis and 4-direction coupled motion to realize the laser beam scanning along the sample axis. The sample was solidified just behind the melting zone, as illustrated in Fig.1. In order to avoid volatilization and fire waste of the composition, Ar gas is filled into the vacuum chamber at a flow rate of 10 L/min. Considerable experiments show that under Ar atmosphere with the laser power of 190-220 W, the scanning rate of 10-1000 mm/s and the beam diameter of 4 mm, the crackless samples with smooth surface and high density can be obtained.
2.2 Characterizations
The microstructure and component of the composite were determined by the scanning electron microscopy
Fig.1 Experimental setup for laser zone remelting method applied to growth of eutectic rods (v is scanning rate, and R is solidification rate)
(SEM, JSM-5800), the energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS, Link-Isis) and the X-ray diffractometry(XRD, Rigakumsg-158). Quantitative calculation of the phase volume fraction was performed by the digital image analysis software of SISC IAS V8.0. The thermal behavior and phase transformation were analyzed by the simultaneous thermal analyzer (STA, Netzsch-409CD). Approximately 37 mg of the as-solidified sample was heated in a Mo crucible at a heating rate 10 ℃/s up to 1 950 ℃ in a flowing stream of Ar, and the corresponding cooling rate was 10 ℃/s.
The hardness and fracture toughness were determined by a Vickers indentation technique on the polished surface of the composite, using applied load of 9.8 N for 15 s. The indentation size and the crack length were measured from optical microscopy and SEM. The indentation morphology and crack propagation were observed through the laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM, Lext 3000). The hardness and fracture toughness are calculated from the equation proposed by ANTIS et al[9] for the median radial cracks. The equations are expressed as follows:
HV=0.464p/a2 (1)
KIC=0.016(HV/E)-1/2p/c3/2 (2)
E=Efφf+Emφm (3)
where HV is the Vickers hardness, KIC is the fracture toughness, E, Ef and Em are elastic moduli of the composite, YAG and Al2O3, respectively, φf and φm are the volume factions of YAG and Al2O3 phases, respectively, p is the indentation load, c is the distance from the center of the indentation to the crack tip and a is half of the indentation diagonal.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Thermal behavior
The DTA-DDTA curves in the heating and cooling processes are shown in Figs.2 (a) and (b), respectively.
Fig.2 DTA and DDTA curves of laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite: (a) Heating process; (b) Cooling process
From Fig.2(a), it can be seen that a sharp endothermic peak occurs at the heating state in the temperature range of 1 815-1 824 ℃, indicating the melting of the eutectic structure, which agrees well with the eutectic reaction point (1 826 ℃) of the phase diagram of the Al2O3-Y2O3 system[8] and verifies that the composition of the composite lies in the eutectic point or very near the eutectic point. However, in the cooling state, there are two exothermic peaks appearing at 1 767 ℃ and 1 684 ℃, respectively, and the latter is much sharper than the former, as shown in Fig.2(b). In the Al2O3-Y2O3 system, there is a narrow coupled growth zone for eutectic solidification. In common, the Y2O3 is relatively easy to volatilize as compared with the Al2O3 at elevated temperatures. The volatilization of Y2O3 may induce the composite to deviate the eutectic composition, consequently, resulting in a hypereutectic composition. Therefore, during the solidification, the first exothermic peak may be due to the nucleation of the primary YAG phase, and then the composite enters into the Al2O3/YAG equilibrium eutectic solidification process, accordingly, occurring the second exothermic peak. Moreover, in the system of Al2O3/YAG, YAG also commonly acts as the first phase to nucleate at the eutectic, leading to two exothermic heats. Similar phenomenon during the solidification process has also been observed by YASUDA et al[10] in the Al2O3-23.5%Y2O3 hypereutectic composite.
On the other hand, in the Al2O3-Y2O3 system, the phase selection is determined by the maximum melt temperature, the cooling rate, and the nucleation of YAG [8, 11-12]. CASLAVSK et al[11] systemically investigated the Al2O3-Y2O3 system by using optical DTA. The study indicates that there are eutectic reactions: one is the Al2O3/YAG equilibrium eutectic at 1 826 ℃ and the other is Al2O3/YAlO3(YAP) metastable eutectic at 1 702 ℃. When the melt is cooled from above 2 000 ℃, the nucleation of YAG is completely inhibited, and consequently the Al2O3/YAP metastable eutectic system is selected. Contrariwise, when the eutectic melt is cooled from below 2 000 ℃, the solidification obeys the Al2O3/YAG equilibrium eutectic path, and is easy to form the Al2O3/YAG eutectic. Moreover, the cooling rate also significantly affects the phase selection. The YAP phase has been found by MIZUTANI et al[12] in the Al2O3/YAG eutectic during the solidification when the melt was heated up to 1 900 ℃ and then cooled at a rate higher than 5 ℃/s. So, the first weak exothermic peak during the solidification may also be attributed to the formation of the metastable phase YAP, and then the YAP transforms into YAG, afterwards the melt enters into eutectic solidification. However, because the oxide eutectic system is extremely complex and there is few experimental data, the accurate nucleation mechanism and thermal behavior should be further investigated.
3.2 X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis
The XRD spectrum of the laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite is shown in Fig.3. Identified crystalline phases are corundum (α-Al2O3) and yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12, YAG). The alumina shows very little solubility of either yttria or YAG. No
Fig.3 XRD pattern of laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite
other phase is found. However, in the primary sintered composite with the same composite, there are the traces of YAP and Y2A4O9 phases[13], which indicates that the laser remelting and rapid solidification of the Al2O3/YAG binary eutectic composite evidently change the phase composition of the metastable phases YAP or Y2A4O9, which deteriorates the mechanical properties.
3.3 Eutectic microstructure
Fig.4 shows the typical microstructures of the laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic grown at different scanning rates. The black phase is alumina and the gray phase corresponds to YAG. The YAG domains of different sizes and shapes are embedded in the matrix of Al2O3 phase. The eutectic microstructure exhibits an interpenetrating network, like “Chinese script”, in which Al2O3 phase with a hexagonal structure and YAG phase with a garnet structure are three-dimensionally and continuously connected and finely coupled without grain boundaries between interfaces (Figs.4(a), (b) and (c)). The sintered composite with the same composition shows typical polycrystalline ceramic structure with random grain orientations and evident boundaries (Fig.4(d)). The volume fraction of Al2O3/YAG eutectic phases, as measured from the analysis of SEM images, is 44%Al2O3/56%YAG, which is consistent with that expected for eutectic composition. The similar microstructure was also found by PASTOR et al[14] in Al2O3/YAG eutectics grown by the laser- heated floating zone method.
The eutectic presents a fine structure with typical phase spacing from the micron to sub-micron range. The size of the domains of each phase decreases with increasing the scanning rate (Figs.4(a)-(c)), according to the HUNT and JACK theory[15]. The average eutectic spacing is only 1 mm, which is almost 1/10 of that can be obtained availably using Bridgman method[3-5] and 1/2 of that obtained by laser-heated floating zone method[14]. The fine microstructure is primarily due to the rapid solidification of laser zone remelting.
During the laser rapid solidification, the temperature gradient(G) in the solid/liquid interface is high up to 106 K/m, which means that higher solidification rate(v) can be achieved at the eutectic solidification, namely, G/v>DT/D (DT is the localized constitutional supercooling; D is the solute diffusion coefficient) can be satisfied. Corresponding to the high G/R ratio, oriented eutectic macrostructures in directional solidification are either lamellar or fibrous. When the minor-phase volume fraction is higher than 0.28, a lamellar structure is commonly favored. For the Al2O3/YAG binary eutectic, the minor-phase volume fraction is high up to 44% on one hand, which leads to the complexly irregular lamellar eutectic structures. On the other hand, most oxides exhibit a relatively high entropy of fusion, in this case, Al2O3 and YAG have very high entropies of fusion
Fig.4 Typical microstructures of laser remelted Al2O3/YAG binary eutectics grown at different laser scanning rates: (a) 40 mm/s; (b) 200 mm/s; (c) 600 mm/s; (d) Sintered Al2O3/YAG composite with same composition
of 5.74R and 14.72R (R is the gas constant), which results in a strong faceted eutectic growth of Al2O3 and YAG phases at solid/liquid interface according to the entropy of fusion criterion of HUNT and JACKSON[15]. So, the second phase YAG with relatively high viscosity compared to the Al2O3 phase grows and interweaves cooperatively with the Al2O3 phase, which eventually determines the formation of complex irregular eutectic microstructures. In addition, laser zone remelting process is a procedure far from an equilibrium state and the growth direction of eutectic is not coincident with heat-flux direction but exists an angle, both of which contribute to the complexity of entangled microstructures.
Moreover, from Fig.4 it can be seen that the eutectic structure is not completely uniform in local zone, as the Al-Si or Fe-C alloy has irregular eutectic structures. It is primarily due to the fact that the evolution of eutectic spacing is also strongly affected by the branching. In common, for regular eutectic, the average eutectic spacing is determined by solute diffusion and interfacial energy[15], and the branching of eutectics favors the optimal eutectic spacing determined by the inherent physical properties to adapt to the local growth condition. However, Al2O3/YAG binary eutectic belongs to the irregular eutectic as illustrated above, so the difficulty of branching because of the anisotropy of faceted growth of the two continuous phases makes it hard to yield favorite interspacing, and consequently, leading to the coexistence of the coarsened and fine eutectic structures. In addition, the local structural inhomogeneity of the eutectic is also relevant to the nonuniformity of heat distribution of the melted zone.
3.4 Mechanical properties
The hardness and fracture toughness are measured by means of the Vickers indentation technique. Fig.5
Fig.5 Three dimension indentation patterns and crack propagations generated by Vickers indenter
shows the three dimension indenter impression and cracks generated in the laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite. For calculating the fracture toughness according to the Eqns.(1)-(3), at least 6 cracks are measured in each sample. The elastic modulus of eutectic phases, Em, Ef and the volume fraction, φm, φf, are listed in Table 1. The calculated elastic modulus E for the eutectic is 345 GPa.
Table 1 Elastic modulus and volume fraction of eutectic phases of composite
The calculation results obtained indicate that the maximum hardness of the composite is 19.5 GPa, which is intervenient between those of Al2O3/YAG (16.3 GPa) and Al2O3/ZrO2 (20 GPa)[16] eutectic composites. The room temperature fracture toughness of the composite reaches 3.6 MPa.m1/2, which is higher than that of monocrystal Al2O3 (2.4 MPa.m1/2), monocrystal YAG (3.0 MPa.m1/2)[17] and Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite (2.0-2.4 MPa.m1/2)[14]. This indicates that the laser zone remelting and rapid solidification can effectively improve the mechanical properties of the Al2O3/YAG binary eutectic composite. The improved hardness and fracture toughness are primarily attributed to the fine eutectic microstructure and the crack branching, deflection, bending and arrest related to the laser rapid solidification. The crack branching, deflection, bending and arrest are interestedly found in the as-solidified eutectic, as shown in Fig.5. The indentation cracks were all straight in the no-doped Al2O3/YAG eutectics in previous reports[7, 14], which were thought as the reason for the poor toughness. The deflected cracks are only found in the CeO2-doped Al2O3/YAG eutectic with improved toughness in Ref.[18]. As a result, the deflected, branched and bended cracks effectively restrain the extend of dominant cracks, and toughen the solidified eutectics.
Fig.6 shows the dependence of the hardness and fracture toughness with respect to the laser scanning rate. It is indicated that the hardness gradually increases with increasing the scanning rate, but the fracture toughness exhibits a noticeable reduction when the scanning rate is elevated to a high value. High scanning rate leads to the reduction of the thickness of solidified eutectic and more defects; moreover, the crack deflection and crack arrest are more effective in eutectics with lager domain sizes, both of which eventually deteriorate the toughness with higher scanning rate. So, the best mechanical properties can be obtained by selecting the optimal laser power density and scanning rate. Moreover, the fracture toughness at high temperatures may be higher than that of room temperature because of the thermal residual stress and motion-induced dislocation. The fracture toughness up to 4 MPa?m1/2 at 1 723 ℃ in the Al2O3/ YAG eutectic has been reported by OCHIAI et al[17].
Fig.6 Dependence of fracture toughness and hardness of laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite with respect to laser scanning rates
4 Conclusions
1) Laser remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic in situ composites exhibit a “Chinese script” microstructure with an interpenetrating network of Al2O3 (44%) and YAG (56%) interweaved. The microstructures vary from laser processing parameters, and the domain sizes decrease with increasing the laser scanning rate. The average eutectic spacing is only 1 mm.
2) Synthetically thermal analysis indicates that the eutectic temperature of Al2O3/YAG is 1 824 ℃, well matching the phase diagram of Al2O3-Y2O3 system.
3) The Al2O3/YAG eutectic belongs to a typical irregular one. Both of the Al2O3 and YAG grow in a faceted growth behavior.
4) The maximum hardness and the room temperature fracture toughness of the composite measured by the micro-indentation test are 19.5 GPa and 3.6 MPa?m1/2, respectively. The hardness increases with increasing the scanning rate and the fracture toughness decreases when the scanning rate is high. The crack branching, deflection, bending and arrest are found in the as-solidified eutectic, which greatly contributes to the improved toughness.
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Foundation item: Project(50102004) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(04G53048) supported by the Aeronautical Science Foundation of China; Project(20040699035) supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China; Project(W018101) supported by the Research Fund of Northwestern Polytechnical University, China; Project supported by the Developing Program for Outstanding Persons in Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Corresponding author: SU Hai-jun; Tel: +86-13772141015; E-mail: