

论文作者:周知进 傅彩明

文章页码:309 - 309


Key words:horizontal helical centrifuge; model analysis; inherent frequency; stress

摘    要:采用Pro/e软件建立了卧式螺旋离心机转鼓的有限元模型,在此基础上对有限元模型所涉及的网格划分、材料特性、边界条件以及施加约束等关键条件进行研究。通过改变转鼓的主要尺寸参数,获得参数改变前后转鼓15阶频率的对比结果;并利用有限元分析软件对其进行模态分析,得到其仿真图和转鼓壁厚与应力关系。通过对转鼓模态进行仿真分析, 获得整个转鼓各参数的变化对其频率、应力及应变的影响。仿真结果表明:加大壁厚,转鼓的质量发生很大变化,对其固有频率产生较大影响;扩大内径相当于增加转鼓质量,但对转鼓固有频率的影响不大,却导致第一阶振型与原振型完全不同,应力位置也明显变化;转鼓内壁产生的应力主要由浆体离心力引起。这些结论可为设计转鼓的合理结构提供参考。

Abstract: The finite element model of rotary drum was built up adopting Pro/e software. Some key conditions were researched,such as mesh partition, material characteristic, boundary condition and loading restriction. By changing the main size parameters of rotary drum, the 15 rank frequencies results were acquired. Then by making use of a finite element software, the model was analyzed, and these imitating figures and relations between the charges wall thickness and stress were gained. The effects of modification of the parameters on frequency, stress and strain was obtained. The imitation results indicate that the wall thickness, the inherent frequency of rotary drum have been greatly enlarged, its interior diameter broadened which is equal to increasing the rotary drum quality, but the influence of the drum on inherent frequency is little, the stress of rotary inside wall is caused by liquid acentric force. Reducing an end mass or enlarging interior diameter of the rotary drum, the inherent frequency will be changed greatly. These results will be served as a future design of the rotary drum of horizontal helical centrifuge.


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