

论文作者:张福全 陈振华 严红革 袁武华 唐绍裘 傅杰兴

文章页码:1131 - 1138

关键词:7075/SiCp复合材料; 喷射共沉积; 轧制; 薄板

Key words:7075/SiCp composite; spray co-deposition; rolling process; sheet

摘    要:研究了轧制方式、 轧制温度等对喷射共沉积7075/SiCp复合材料挤压板材成形性能、 显微组织和力学性能的影响。 结果表明: 挤压变形可以提高7075/SiCp喷射共沉积坯的轧制变形性能, 平行于挤压方向取样并进行交叉轧制可以制备出高质量、 高性能的薄板; 轧制变形对挤压过程中形成的SiC颗粒条带状不均匀分布有显著的改善作用, 随着轧制变形量的增加, SiC颗粒分布趋于均匀; 轧制过程中, SiC颗粒破碎, 尺寸明显变小, 形貌呈钝化趋势; 7075/SiCp复合材料薄板(T6态)的力学性能为: σs=536.2MPa, σb=670.2MPa, δ=4.8%。

Abstract: The effects of rolling processing on the formability, microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-extruded spray co-deposited 7075/SiCp composite were investigated. The results show that the extruded thick sheet exhibits excellent formability along the extrusion direction. Cross rolling processing can enhance the formability and mechanical properties of the 7075/SiCp sheet. The rolling processing leads to the refinement of SiC particles and the distribution state. Furthermore, the optimal properties of the sheet are: yield strength 536.2 MPa, ultimate tensile strength 670.2 MPa, and elongation 4.8%, respectively.


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