Microstructure and mechanical properties ofTi6Al4V powder compacts prepared by magnetic pulse compaction


论文作者:李敏 于海平 李春峰

文章页码:553 - 558

Key words:powder metallurgy; Ti6Al4V powder compaction; magnetic pulse compaction; relative density; electromagnetic forming


Ti6Al4V powder compaction was performed by using magnetic pulse compaction in air at 200 ℃. Effects of process parameters such as voltage, capacitance, discharge times on the microstructure, compressive strength, hardness and relative density of compacts were investigated. The experimental results show that the relative density, hardness and compressive strength of compacted specimens increase with increasing voltage. In addition, the relative density and compressive strength of compacted specimens increase with the augmentation of capacitance in the range investigated. The relative density increases, the hardness firstly increases and then tends to be a fixed value; and the compressive strength firstly increases and then decreases from one to five times compaction. Both values of the hardness and compressive strength reach the maxima of HRA 69.1 and 1 062.31 MPa, at three times compaction, respectively. There are pores in and between particles.


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