论文作者:张行健 姜国圣 王志法
文章页码:442 - 446
关键词:钽; 加工硬化; 位错密度
Key words:tantalum; work hardening; dislocation density
摘 要:借助力学性能实验、 金相显微镜和透射电镜等手段研究了纯钽的加工硬化速率。 研究结果表明: 纯钽的宏观加工硬化速率比较低。 通过TEM观察, 发现变形95%后, 纯钽的位错密度都不是很高, 存在有位错胞亚结构。 其原因可能是因为钽的层错能高, 位错容易交滑移, 使位错密度降低。 根据林位错硬化理论, 也可以认为, 钽在室温下塑性变形时, 滑移系主要为{110}〈111〉, 次滑移系的激活比较少, 因此穿过主滑移系的林位错密度比较低, 位错之间相互作用少, 导致钽的加工硬化速率低。
Abstract: The work hardening rate of pure tantalum was studied by tension test, optical microscope and TEM. The results show that the work hardening rate of pure tantalum is low. TEM analysis indicates that the dislocation density of pure tantalum is not high and dislocation cells occur after 95% cold rolling reduction. Because the stacking fault energy (SFC) of tantalum is high, the dislocation cross slips easily which can lower the dislocation density. On the other hand, according to the tree dislocation theory, it is assumed that when pure tantalum is deformed at room temperature, the slip system is mainly{110}〈111〉, while the secondary slip systems are seldom activated. So the density of tree dislocation penetrating the main slip plane is low and the interaction between dislocations is weak, which leads to low work hardening rate of pure tantalum.