Density and viscosity of aqueous solution of K2CrO4/KOH mixed electrolytes


论文作者:郭雅杰 徐红彬 郭奋 郑诗礼 张懿

文章页码:32 - 36

Key words:viscosity; density; potassium chromate; potassium hydroxide; mixed electrolytes

Abstract: The physicochemical properties are very important in theoretical investigation of aqueous electrolyte solution and industrial design of hydrometallurgical processes. In the green hydrometallurgical process of chromite ore with sub-molten salt medium of KOH, the ternary system of KOH+K2CrO4+H2O is essential to process control and industrial operation. In order to satisfy the needs of both fundamental research and industrial application, the dynamic viscosity (η) and density (ρ) of mixed aqueous electrolyte solution of KOH and K2CrO4 were measured over a temperature range from 15 to 60 ℃ by using Ubbelohde-type capillary viscometers and a series of densimeters, respectively. The temperature is controlled to an accuracy of ±0.01 ℃ throughout the experiment with thermostat. The dynamic viscosity and density of the ternary systems are performed as functions of chromate and hydroxide concentration and temperature. The regression equations for viscosity and density are obtained with a least-square method and the calculated values are consistent well with the experimental data. The semi-empirical equation obtained will be helpful and instructive to industrial application.

基金信息:supported by the National Basic Research Program of China
the National Natural Science Foundation of China
the National Science and Technology Pillar Program of China


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