玻璃陶瓷复合材料的制备、 微结构和性能


论文作者:陈国华 刘心宇

文章页码:817 - 822

关键词:玻璃/陶瓷复合材料; 锶长石; 烧结; 微结构

Key words:glass/ceramic composites; Sr-celsian; sintering; microstructure

摘    要:采用电子陶瓷工艺制备了一系列玻璃/锶长石陶瓷复合材料, 并对复合材料进行X射线衍射分析、 扫描电镜观察和性能测试。 结果表明: 复合材料的介电常数、 热膨胀系数和显微硬度随着锶长石含量的增加而增加, 而介电损耗随锶长石含量的增加而减小。 锶长石含量大于50%(质量分数)的复合材料中α石英和方石英的析出增加了材料的热膨胀系数, 但对材料的介电性能影响不大。 所制备的复合材料具有低的介电常数(5.2~5.8)、 低的介电损耗(0.10%~0.25%)、 低的热膨胀系数(4.4×10-6~6.2×10-6-1)和低的烧结温度(≤900 ℃), 有望用于电子封装领域。

Abstract: A series of glass/ceramic composites were prepared using electronic ceramics process from borosilicate glass with Sr-celsian, which contains 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%(mass fraction) ceramic. The phase and microstructural evolution of the composites were characterized by X-ray diffractrometry and scanning electron microscope. The properties of the composites were also measured. The results show that the thermal expansion coefficient, dielectric constant and hardness of the composites increase with the increase of Sr-celsian content. However, the dielectric loss decreases with increasing Sr-celsian content. The formation of α-quartz and cristobalite in the composites containing above 50% ceramic content during the sintering process has bad effect on thermal expansion behaviour, but has little effect on the values of dielectric properties of the composites. The obtained composites exhibit low dielectric constant(5.2-5.8), low dielectric loss(≤0.25%), low thermal expansion coefficient (4.4×10-6-6.2×10-6-1) and low-temperature sintering behavior (≤900 ℃), which suits for electronic packaging field.



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