论文作者:陈康华 方玲 李侠 黄大为 方华婵
文章页码:493 - 493
Key words:SiCp/Al composites; particle fracture; strength model
摘 要:建立复合材料屈服强度综合模型用于分析研究增强颗粒断裂和基体与颗粒的界面脱粘对SiCp/Al复合材料强度的影响;用Eshelby等效夹杂理论分析SiCp/Al复合材料受载时作用在SiC颗粒上的应力,并假设SiC颗粒失效符合Weibull分布,在综合考虑复合材料各种强化机制的基础上引入颗粒断裂和界面脱粘对材料屈服强度的影响,建立SiCp/Al复合材料的屈服强度模型并对模型进行解析。研究结果表明:SiCp/Al复合材料屈服强度随着SiC颗粒含量增加而增加;当颗粒粒度为微米级时,屈服强度随着粒度的减小而增加;在屈服状态下,当颗粒粒度较小时,复合材料的颗粒失效以界面脱粘为主;随着粒度的增大,颗粒的断裂分数迅速增大,颗粒失效则转变为由颗粒断裂和界面脱粘共同控制。
Abstract: Influences of the reinforcement particle fracture and interface between matrix and particle debond on the strength of SiCp/Al composites were investigated. A model based on the Eshelby’s equivalent inclusion theory for SiC particles stress analysis and the assumption that SiC particles failure follows the Weibull statistics was established to examine the influence of SiC particles failure on the yield strength of SiC p/Al composites. The results show that the yield strengths of SiCp/Al composites increase with the increase of particles contents and the decrease of the particle size. On yielding condition, the interface debond is the main failure way when the particle diameter is small, and particle fracture increases with the increase of particle size and plays a more important role in the failure particle and composites.