论文作者:彭曙 卢锦堂 车淳山 王新华
文章页码:930 - 935
Key words:Zn-Al-Sb alloy; solidification microstructure; cooling rate; hot-dip galvanizing
摘 要:采用扫描电镜、背散射成像、能谱分析及X线衍射等分析手段,研究热镀锌用中间合金Zn-xAl-4.0%Sb (x=0, 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0%, 6.0%)在炉冷、空冷和水冷(冷却速度分别为0.04,1.06和36 ℃/s)条件下的凝固组织。研究结果表明:当x=0 时,合金的凝固组织为先共晶相(β-Sb3Zn4或ζ-Sb2Zn3)加共晶体(β-Zn共晶或ζ-Zn共晶)的过共晶组织;当0<x<1.0% 时,组织中出现AlSb相粒子,并随着Al含量的增加,AlSb含量增多而SbZn化合物含量减少;当x=1.0%时,SbZn化合物相消失,组织为锌基体上分布AlSb相粒子;当1.0%<x<6.0%时,组织为Zn-Al亚共晶和AlSb粒子。随着冷却速度的增大,合金组织细化,且水冷可抑制亚稳态ζ相向β相的转变。
Abstract: The solidification microstructures of Zn-xAl-4.0%Sb (x=0, 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0%, 6.0%) master alloys used for hot-dip galvanizing were examined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), backscattered electron imaging (BSE), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffractrometry (XRD). The effects of cooling rate (0.04, 1.06 and 36 ℃/s) on the microstructures of the alloys were investigated. The results show that the solidification microstructure of Zn-4%Sb alloy is composed of proeutectic phase (β-Sb3Zn4 or ζ-Sb2Zn3) and eutectic (β-Zn eutectic or ζ-Zn eutectic). AlSb particles exist in the microstructure when the alloy contains Al less than 1.0%, AlSb particles increases and SbZn compounds decreases with the increase of the Al content. The SbZn compounds disappear and there is only AlSb phase on Zn matrix while the content of Al is up to 1.0% Al. When the content of Al is between 1.0% and 6.0%, the solidification microstructure consists of Zn-Al hypoeutectic and AlSb particles. The solidification microstructures of the alloys are refined with the increase of cooling rate. The solidification microstructures of alloys are refined as the cooling rate increases, and the eutectoid decomposition of metastable ζ to β is restricted in water cooling.