论文作者:刘六法 丁汉林 鎌土重晴 丁文江 小島陽
文章页码:243 - 243
Key words:AZ91 alloy; hot compression; dynamic recrystallizaiton; precipitates; cellular automata
摘 要:采用基于动态再结晶的元胞自动机模型模拟分析AZ91镁合金热压缩过程中的流变行为及组织演变。模型中,通过参数的引入间接地考察第二相粒子对增加位错增长速率及降低晶界移动速率的影响。对比分析应力—应变曲线、组织演变、稳态组织中的平均晶粒尺寸及晶粒边数分布,模拟结果与实验结果的良好一致性表明本文作者提出的元胞自动机模型可以用于AZ91合金动态再结晶过程的模拟研究。
Abstract: The cellular automata (CA) model with dynamic recrystallization (DRX) is proposed and used to investigate the flow behavior and microstructure evolution during hot compression of AZ91 alloy. In the simulation, the effects of the second phase particles on the accumulation of dislocation density and resistance of the migration of grain boundaries have been taken into account by the introduction of the physical parameters. Comparisons of flow curves, microstructure evolution, distribution of average grain size and number of grain side in final microstructure show that the simulated results agree very well with the experimental ones, suggesting that the present CA model is feasible to study the DRX process of AZ91 alloy.