论文作者:陈永禄 傅高升 陈文哲 王火生 王沁峰
文章页码:66 - 72
关键词:易拉罐用铝材; 熔体处理; 热压缩变形; 微观组织; 动态再结晶
Key words:aluminum sheet used for easy-open can; melt-treatment; hot compression deformation; microstructure; dynamic recrystallization
摘 要:采用动态热/力模拟实验技术对经不同熔体处理的易拉罐用铝材进行高温压缩变形实验, 并用光学显微镜、 透射电镜分析探讨其热变形组织特征。 结果表明: 冶金质量影响易拉罐用铝材的动态再结晶组织特征, 在未处理或常规熔体处理状态下存在枝晶网胞结构, 晶粒组织不均匀; 高效熔体处理使易拉罐用铝材在较低的温度下即可通过亚晶合并方式发生动态再结晶, 并在变形温度573~673 K、 应变速率0.1~1.0 s-1、 变形量约0.7的较宽的热变形工艺条件下可获得细小且分布较均匀的再结晶晶粒组织。
Abstract: Compression test at elevated-temperature of aluminum sheets used for easy-open can prepared by different melt-treatment were carried out with dynamic thermal/mechanical simulation experimental technique. And the feature of hot deformation microstructure of the sheets was studied preliminarily by opitical microscope, transmission electron microscope. The results show that the metallurgical quality of the sheets influences dynamic recrystallization. Dendrite net-cells exist in the sheets prepared without melt-treatment or by routine melt-treatment and the distribution of grain size is non-uniform; dynamic recrystallization occurs easily by means of subgrain merging at the lower temperature in the sheet prepared by high-efficiency melt-treatment, and the tiny and evenly distributed grains can be obtained under the wider hot deformation condition. It is the ideal hot deformation condition that the sheet prepared by high-efficiency melt-treatment is deformed at 573-673 K with the strain rate of 0.1-1.0 s-1 and the strain of 0.7.