论文作者:赵国际 张柯柯 罗键
文章页码:2025 - 2031
Key words:Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu; solder; intermetallic compound (IMC); rapid solidification; soldering
摘 要:利用SP009A型半自动非金属系制造器,通过铜制单辊快淬工艺制得快速凝固态Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu钎料合金薄带,采用JSM-5610LV 扫描电镜及能谱仪,研究快速凝固态钎料合金的微观形貌及金属间化合物(IMC)特征;通过钎焊接头组织与剪切断口分析,研究IMC对钎焊接头韧性的影响机制。结果表明:快速凝固态钎料合金焊点界面处形成的排列紧密的小尺寸β-Sn能有效抑制界面处IMC Cu6Sn5的长大;在钎焊过程中,钎料中过饱和固溶体析出大量尺寸细小、弥散分布的金属间化合物Cu6Sn5和Ag3Sn,凝固时可作为第二相粒子与初生相混杂在一起,形成细小共晶组织分布于钎缝中,改善了焊点韧性。
Abstract: Rapid solidification Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu solder alloy ribbons were produced by single copper roller process with SP009A semi-automatic nonmetal series fabricate machine, and the micro-morphology and properties of intermetallic compound (IMC) were studied by JSM-5610LV scanning electronic microscope and energy spectrum analyzer. Through the analysis on the microstructure and shear fracture of the soldering joint, the influence mechanism of IMC on the toughness of soldering joint was studied. The results show that,in solder joint by using rapid solidification solder alloy, small size β-Sn tight arrangement at the interface can effectively inhibit the growth of IMC Cu6Sn5, and the IMC Cu6Sn5 and Ag3Sn in the supersaturated solid solution with small size and dispersive distribution massively precipitate as the second phase particle confounding with the primary phase during the solidification process to form fine eutectic structure in the soldering beam, and the toughness of soldering joint is improved.