论文作者:林振汉 张玲秀 吴亮
文章页码:1118 - 1123
关键词:水合氧化锆; 喷雾干燥; 光透法; 场发射扫描电镜; 超微细粉
Key words:hydrous ZrO2; spray drying; light transmission method; field emission SEM; ultra-fine powder
摘 要:比较了采用直接煅烧、 干燥后煅烧、 喷雾干燥等3种方法处理水合ZrO2, 再通过气流粉碎获得超微细粉ZrO2; 同时用激光衍射法、 光透法、 场发射扫描电镜和BET法测试了粉末的性能。 结果表明: 直接煅烧水合ZrO2获得的粉末团聚严重, 颗粒粗而均匀性差; 水合ZrO2通过低温静止干燥, 可以减少颗粒的团聚, 提高粉末颗粒分布的均匀性, 但效率低; 喷雾干燥法处理水合ZrO2, 通过动态反应, 易获得细晶粒的球状颗粒, 可避免粉末的团聚, 且粉末分散性好、 晶粒分布均匀。
Abstract: Three methods were used to treat hydrous ZrO2 such as direct sintering, sintering after drying, spray dring, then the ultra-fine ZrO2 powder was prepared by air-jet milling. The physical properties were tested by laser diffractrometry, light transmission, field emission scanning electron microscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET). The results that, the powder sintered directly are agglomerated greatly, rough and not well-distributed. The powder sintered after drying, through static reaction, has lower agglomeration and better distribution, but lower efficiency. The ultra-fine powder prepared by spray drying method, through the dynamic reaction, not only can prohibit the agglomeration and be obtained easily, but also has well-distributed and good dispersibility.