论文作者:许龙山 陈小华 吴玉蓉 潘伟英 徐海洋 张华
文章页码:406 - 411
关键词:碳纳米管; 复合粉体; 分散; 复合材料
Key words:carbon nanotubes; composite powder; dispersion; matrix composites
摘 要:利用CVD法制备多壁碳纳米管, 并对其进行亲水化表面处理。 在存在表面活性剂的情况下, 利用共沉积法制备碳纳米管-超细铜粉复合粉体。 复合粉体经还原后, 采用冷压烧结、 六面顶热压、 真空热压烧结和真空热压后热轧4种不同工艺成型。 利用SEM和XRD比较了这几种工艺成型的复合材料结构和被氧化的情况。 结果表明, 采用真空热压后热轧工艺制备的碳纳米管铜基复合材料的致密度较高且能有效地防止被氧化。
Abstract: The multi-walled carbon nanotubes were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and the surface pretreatment was carried out to modify carbon nanotubes with some hydrophilic groups. The superfine CNTs/Cu composite powder was obtained by co-deposition method with the addition of some surfactants. After deoxidation of the composite powder, four kinds of pressing forming methods were used to prepare the CNTs/Cu bulk, which are cold pressing and sintering, hot pressing with cubic superhigh-pressure device, vacuum forming and sintering and hot rolling after vacuum forming. SEM and XRD results show that the composite that is hot rolled after vacuum forming, has relatively high density and can avoid being oxidized effectively.