

论文作者:鲁中良 徐文梁 曹继伟 夏园林 邓清华 李涤尘

文章页码:382 - 391


Key words:porous TiAl; freeze-casting; pore structures; mechanical properties; thermal conductivity

摘    要:通过冷冻浇注法制备具有定向长孔结构的多孔钛铝基金属间化合物。采用Ti-43Al-9V-1Y工程级粉末 (D50=50 μm)、羧甲基纤维素以及瓜尔豆胶配制水基浆料用于冷冻浇注。研究结果表明,在-5 °C的冷冻条件下可制备具有定向长孔结构的多孔钛铝,并且可通过改变浆料中粉末的体积分数来控制孔隙结构。当粉末含量从10% 增加至 30% (体积分数)时,总孔隙率由81%减小至62%,定向孔宽度由约500 μm减小至约270 μm。随着孔隙率的降低,沿定向孔方向的压缩强度由16 MPa增加至120 MPa。另外,所制备的多孔钛铝的等效热导率较低,最高为1.81 W/(m·K),并且受孔方向的影响呈现出各向异性。

Abstract: Preparation of porous TiAl-based intermetallics with aligned and elongated pores by freeze-casting was investigated. Engineering Ti-43Al-9V-1Y powder (D50=50 μm), carboxymethyl cellulose, and guar gum were used to prepare the aqueous-based slurries for freeze-casting. Results showed that the porous TiAl was obtained by using a freezing temperature of -5 °C and the pore structure was tailored by varying the particle content of slurry. The total porosity reduced from 81% to 62% and the aligned pore width dropped from approximately 500 to around 270 μm, with increasing the particle content from 10 to 30 vol.%. Furthermore, the compressive strength along the aligned pores increased from 16 to 120 MPa with the reduction of porosity. The effective thermal conductivities of porous TiAl were lower than 1.81 W/(m·K) and showed anisotropic property with respect to the pore orientation.

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