论文作者:张帆 李小璀 孙鹏飞
文章页码:759 - 763
Key words:SiCp/2024Al; dimensional stability; microyield strength; heat treatment
摘 要:以微屈服强度、应力松弛强度及线性尺寸测量值为指标,研究了多种热处理对SiCp/2024Al复合材料尺寸稳定性的影响。结果表明,在不同使用环境条件下,应作不同的尺寸稳定化处理。峰时效处理能提高材料抵抗负载尺寸稳定性,冷热循环处理则对抵抗环境温度变化尺寸稳定性有利,而退火、深冷处理的尺寸稳定性较低。分析了影响该复合材料尺寸稳定性的微观结构因素。
Abstract: In terms of microyield strength, stress relaxation strength and linear dimension measuring, the effects of various heat treatments on dimensional stability of a SiCp/2024Al composite material have been studied. The dimensional stability of the composite resisting foreign load could be improved by peak aging treatment, and the thermal cycling treatment was beneficial to the dimensional stability under the condition of large change of ambient temperature. Annealing and deep cooling treatments have no satisfying effect on the dimensional stability. Finally the influential factors of the dimensional stability were discussed.