论文作者:朱开成 伍清萍 唐慧琴
文章页码:624 - 627
Key words:lenslike medium; Hermite-Gaussian beam; tilted incident; propagator kernel; Schrodinger equation
摘 要:将描述光在类透镜介质中传播的Helmholtz方程化为具有线性谐振子势的Schrodinger方程形式,借助于量子力学中的“含时”么正变换技术,解析求解光束倾斜入射到类透镜介质中传输时的场分布,得到场传输的传播核因子,研究任意倾斜入射光束位形的传输问题,并对厄米-高斯光束的传输进行计算.研究结果表明:厄米-高斯光束倾斜入射进类透镜介质束宽度的演变与光束正入射的情况一样,随传输距离作周期性变化,但因光束倾斜入射,厄米-高斯光束的传输出现了新效应,即光强分布中心不再沿直线,传播方向也不断变化,出现与横坐标相关的附加局域相因子.
Abstract: Based on the unitarytrans formation, the analytical propagation kernel for a light beamtilted incidenton a lenslike medium was obtained. The intensity distribution center of Hermite-Gaussian beams, the deviation of the Hermite-Gaussian beam distribution center from the refractive distribution center of the lens like medium were discussed. The results show that unlike normal incident cases, the tilted incident of Hermite-Gaussian beams exhibit two new effects during the beam propagation in a lenslike medium: one is a phase change including a global one and a local one, and the local phase variation is directly associated with the propagation direction change; the other is the shift of the intensity distribution center, which depends on the tilted angle.