论文作者:王李管 邓顺华 陈建宏
文章页码:575 - 580
关键词:计算机辅助设计; 模拟程序; 矿床模型
Key words:computer aided design; simulator program; deposit model
摘 要:矿床模型与开采辅助设计软件系统(DM&MCAD)是一种在微机上运行的,用于矿床地质及开采辅助设计的大型综合软件系统.其主要功能包括:地质资料的输入、输出、维护、统计分析及预处理等,矿床数学模型、矿石储量统计、浮锥法露天矿境界圈定、线路布置及二次境界生成、露天矿计算机模拟开采及采剥计划编制、辅助开采设计及图形绘制等.本文主要介绍DM&MCAD的逻辑结构及各子系统的设计原理和主要功能.最后简要介绍了该软件的实用情况.
Abstract: The DM & MCAD is a great micro computer software system. It can be used in the re-search of deposit model and mining computer aided design. Based on the logical structure ofthe DM & MCAD software system, this paper presents the design principles and main func-tions of each sub-system which includes DMS,CONE,MPLAN and MCAD. Then,the appli-cation of the software system at present is discussed.