文章页码:307 - 310
Key words:rare earth intermetallic compound; magnetic structure; magnetic phase transition; magnetostriction
摘 要:在10~800 K的温度范围内用X射线衍射方法测量了SmMn2Ge2和GdMn2Ge2的晶格常数与温度的变化关系.实验结果表明:在各种类型的自发磁相变温度处观察到晶格常数的磁弹性异常现象;Mn-Mn间的交换相互作用能不仅与晶格常数a有关,而且与晶格常数c有关.此外,在27 T的脉冲强磁场中测量了SmMn2Ge2及GdMn2Ge2的磁致伸缩,在这2种化合物中观察到了场诱导的一级磁相变.
Abstract: The temperature dependence of lattice constantsaandcof intermetallic compounds SmMn2Ge2 and GdMn2Ge2 is measured in the temperature range 10~800 Kby using the X-raymethod. The magnetoelastic anomalies of aandcare found at different spontaneous magnetic phase transitions. It is shown that theMn-Mn exchange interactions depend not only on the lattice constantabut also on constantc. The magnetostriction of SmMn2Ge2 and GdMn2Ge2 is measured in the 27 Tplus magnetic field. The field-induced magnetic phase transitions are found in these compounds.