
Combustion Synthesis,Character and Electromagnetic Properties of Nano-Sized La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 Perovskite

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths2007年第S2期

论文作者:孙杰 李季 谭勇

文章页码:55 - 58

摘    要:The perovskite-type nanocrystal La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 was prepared using a sol-gel auto-combustion method with citric acid as the chelating agent. The metal ions coordination compound, obtained from nitrate and citrate, underwent an auto-combustion process and voluminous ashes formed when calcining the complex in the air. Some analytical methods, which consisted of FT-IR, XRD, TEM and wave-guide, were used to characterize the gel and the final products. It was shown that metal ions and carboxyl were combined to form a homogeneous organic complex base salts in the process of gelation. The nanocrystalline had dielectric loss in the microwave frequency range of measurement.


Combustion Synthesis,Character and Electromagnetic Properties of Nano-Sized La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 Perovskite


摘 要:The perovskite-type nanocrystal La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 was prepared using a sol-gel auto-combustion method with citric acid as the chelating agent. The metal ions coordination compound, obtained from nitrate and citrate, underwent an auto-combustion process and voluminous ashes formed when calcining the complex in the air. Some analytical methods, which consisted of FT-IR, XRD, TEM and wave-guide, were used to characterize the gel and the final products. It was shown that metal ions and carboxyl were combined to form a homogeneous organic complex base salts in the process of gelation. The nanocrystalline had dielectric loss in the microwave frequency range of measurement.


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