

论文作者:丁希仑 李可佳 徐坤

文章页码:589 - 595


Key words:six-legged robot; dynamics; elastic joint; screw

摘    要:分析了关节弹性变形对六腿机器人运动产生的影响,采用旋量理论对六腿步行机器人的位置、速度和能量进行了描述,并应用拉格朗日方程建立了简洁、完整的六腿步行机器人的动力学模型。仿真对比实验结果说明了恒定的关节弹性变形、时变的关节弹性变形、关节的运动速度对六腿机器人抬起腿和支撑腿输出力矩的影响程度。

Abstract: Six-legged robot’s dynamics was analysized considering joint elasticity, the position and velocity, and energy caused by joints’ flexible variable based on the screw theory were described in detail. The compact and complete Lagrange equation of the six-legged robot system was established. The influence of elastic joints’ deformation on the lifting legs was demonstrated and supporting legs by inverse dynamics simulation with constant and time-varying joint elasticity were demonstrated, moreover the effect of joints’ speed was illustrated. The results of simulation reveal the influence of dynamics model caused by joint elasticity.

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