论文作者:丁志杰 卫永莉 崔凯
文章页码:30 - 33
Key words:Mg-Zn alloy; molecular dynamics; rapid cooling; embedded atom method
摘 要:分子动力学对于研究材料多体演变具有重要意义,文中采用分子动力学研究Mg-Zn系变形镁合金在不同冷却速率下材料的金属体性质及结构演变特征.模拟结果显示:160 K/ps、150 K/ps冷却速率是Mg-Zn材料凝固成非晶态、晶态的临界点;725 K是材料体系短程有序结构和长程有序结构相互作用机制竞争的极限温度区.
Abstract: Molecular dynamics is of great significance for the study of multi-phase evolution. The metal properties and kinetic characteristics of Mg-Zn alloy under different cooling rates have been studied from the perspective of molecular dynamics in this thesis. The simulation shows that the cooling rates of 160 K/ps and 150 K/ps are the critical points of Mg-Zn alloy solidifies into amorphous and crystalline. 725 K is the competitive temperature zone of short range ordered structure and long-range ordered structure interaction.