论文作者:李凯 曹明盛
文章页码:112 - 117
关键词:伪弹性; 形状记忆效应; 不同温度; 记忆合金; 拉伸试样; 马氏体相变; 弹性回复; 马氏体形成; 应变曲线; 临界值
摘 要:本实验采用工业纯金属制备Cu—Zn—Al记忆合金,用电测法测绘了该合金在马氏体相变点上下某些特性温度区间的σ—ε曲线,所得主要结果是:1.试样在Af以上恒温拉伸,出现伪弹性效应,但是,当应变超过一临界值后就会丧失完全的伪弹性。2.试样在Ms—Af之间拉伸,得不到完全的伪弹性,但仍以伪弹性回复为主。3.试样在Ms以下拉伸,发生马氏体再取向。再取向可产生伪弹性也可产生形状记忆效应。
Abstract: Commercial metals were used for preparing Cu-Zn-Al shape memoryalloys in this experiment. Stress-strain curves of the alloy at differenttemperatures were plotted with the aid of the electrometry. In addition, thesubstructural characteristics of specimens with different strain were ob-served and studied by TEM. The main results were as follows:1. The pseudoelasticity would appear in specimens deformed in tensionabove Af at a constant temperature. However, when the strain exceeded acritical value, the complete pseudoelasticity began to disappear. 2. Specimens, deformed in tension between Ms and Af at a constanttemperature, could not gain the complete pseudoelasticity, but pseudoelasticrecovery was still the principal way. 3. Martensitic reorientation would occur in specimens deformed in tensionbelow Ms at a constant temperature. There were two results for marte-nsitic reorientation, one for producing pseudoelasticity and the other foracquiring reoriented martensite variantswhich would produce shape memoryeffect after heated. 4. When specimens were deformed in tension at constant tempera-ture, the temperature of samples might go up. For test alloy on 1.6% strain witha speed of clamp of 5mm/min, the rise in temperature couldbe as many as 4℃.