论文作者:吉玉 任安超 程正刚
文章页码:58 - 61
关键词:U75V钢轨; 时效性能; 力学性能
Key words:U75V rail; aging performance; mechanical property
摘 要:采用自然时效和人工时效方法研究了温度、时间对性能、成分的影响。结果表明:随着时间增加及温度升高,U75V钢轨存在屈服强度提高而残余应力和氢含量下降的现象,具有一定时效性。屈服强度提高对钢轨的使用性能有利,而残余应力的降低有利于提高铁路运行的安全性。
Abstract: Effects of temperature and time on the performance and chemical composition fluctuation were studied with natural aging and artificial aging method.The results show that the phenomenon of strength increased but residual stress and hydrogen content is occurred with the increased time and temperature increased on U75V,and then timeliness.Yield strength increased will be useful to apply,and residual stress reduced will make for security of railway.
2.武钢条材总厂,湖北武汉 430083)
摘 要:采用自然时效和人工时效方法研究了温度、时间对性能、成分的影响。结果表明:随着时间增加及温度升高,U75V钢轨存在屈服强度提高而残余应力和氢含量下降的现象,具有一定时效性。屈服强度提高对钢轨的使用性能有利,而残余应力的降低有利于提高铁路运行的安全性。
关键词:U75V钢轨; 时效性能; 力学性能