论文作者:杨松青 彭丽芬
文章页码:83 - 89
关键词:动力学模型; 流态化床; 极化曲线; 浓差极化; 反应电阻; 电化学反应; 流态化电极; 溶液电阻; 电积; 电极反应
摘 要:本文从电极反应的双电展模型出发,得出溶液电阻及反应电阻是决定流态化床动力学特点的重要参数的结论,井提出利用极化曲线的导数的方法以判断电极过程的特征。
Abstract: From the model of double layer for electrode reaction, it is shown thatthe solution resistance and reaction resistance are the important charactersfor the fluidized bed, and the derivatives of polarization curves are ofgreat use for judging the characters of electrode processes. There are three conditions for the derivatives of polarization curves,dη/dI= R 1. R=b(I/I)=RT/anF·I/I The fact that the R decreases with the rising of I shows that therate-determining step is electrochemical charge-transfer. 2. R=RT/nF=1/Id-I The fact that the R increases with the rising of I shows that therate-determining step is concentration polarization or preceding reaction. 3. R=RT/anF·I/I+RT/nF·1/Id-I That the R does not change observably with the I shows that therate-determining step is mixed control. In the above formulas, η is the overpotential, I is the current density,α is the cathodic charge transfer coefficiency, n is the electron number ofreaction, Id is the limiting current density, and others are common symbols.