

论文作者:杜镇 盛羽 彭悦 陈天赐

文章页码:1143 - 1151


Key words:algorithm design experiment; heterogeneous resources; virtual experiment; digital signal processing

摘    要:针对现有信息类课程算法设计型实验过程中存在实验环境搭建复杂、算法正确性和性能难以进行测试与分析等问题,设计并实现一种基于Web服务的面向异构资源集成的虚拟实验平台。该平台通过将各种算法在服务器端封装为Web服务并生成对应的客户端虚拟实验组件的方式,使学生可以将多种编程语言实现的算法源码直接提交到服务器,并在客户端中根据实验需求选择虚拟实验器件构建实验流程,以便对所提交算法的正确性进行测试和对性能进行分析。以数字信号处理课程虚拟实验为例说明系统的有效性。研究结果表明:该平台的使用可以使学生在无需配置复杂的实验环境的情况下将精力集中于算法的设计和优化,并可以获得直观的算法测试分析结果。

Abstract: Due to the complexity in building experiment environment, and the difficulty to analysis correctness and performance of algorithm in algorithm design experiment in information science courses, a virtual experiment platform based on web-service for heterogeneous resources was designed and developed. In this platform, various algorithms were encapsulated as web-service on the server and the corresponding client component of virtual experiment was generated. Students were able to submit source code of their algorithms developed by a variety of programming languages to the server and choose corresponding virtual experiment component to build experiment process for testing their algorithms. Finally, the effectiveness of the platform was illustrated by a virtual experiment of digital signal processing course. The results show that with this platform students do not have to configure a complex experimental environment, and can focus on the design and optimization of the algorithm.


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