论文作者:陈明义 陈润泰 成晓民
文章页码:550 - 554
关键词:模糊控制器; 模糊配置; 模糊关系矩阵; 虚假水位
Key words:fuzzy controlloer; fuzzy configuration; fuzzy relational matrix; ghost water lev-el
摘 要:提出了多变量模糊控制器的概念、结构及其实现方法;同时介绍多变量模糊控制器在工业锅炉微机控制系统中的应用,该多变量模糊控制器有效克服了工业锅炉虚假水位现象,提高了水位控制系统的稳定性。
Abstract: he conception structure and realizing methods of muIti-variable fuzzy controller arepresented,and the application of multi-variable fuzzy controller to micro-computer controlsystem of industrial boiler are described.This controller overcomes ghost water level of boil-er,and increases stabilitv of water level eontrol svstem.