Establishment of wear model and life prediction of drum of hot rolling coiler


论文作者:彭艳 章健 刘宏民 刘云飞

文章页码:1808 - 1812

Key words:drum; wear mechanism; combination method; wear model; wear life


For the drum of hot rolling coiler is prone to be easily destroyed, the type of MMU-5G abrasion tester was applied to revealing the friction and wear behavior. The morphology observation by scanning electron microscope (SEM) demonstrates the wear mechanism of the drum, and the test data of the influence coefficient of the normal pressure, relative sliding speed and surface lubrication conditions acted on the linear rate of the wear could be obtained by the regression method. A calculation model, which considers the factors of the structure of the drum, coiling tension and coiling strip specifications, was established by the combination method to predict the wear life of the drum. Then the practical production data was applied into this model and the analysis result was in good accordance with that of actual production.


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