文章页码:68 - 77
关键词:强非线性; 先验估计; 逐次逼近
Key words:strong nonlinear; prior estimation; successive approximation.
摘 要:
本文讨论拟线性方程组。 ωz=H(z,ω) 在C-Γ的强非线性边值问题ω+(α(t))=G(t)ω-(t)+F(t,ω+(α(t)),ω-(t))+g(l) ω(z)=0(|z|-x) |z|→∞解的存在唯一性。其中,F(t,p,q)关于p与q具有指数大于1甚至整数级增长的非线性,我们称之为强非线性,而称关于p与q具有指数为1的增长的非线性为弱非线性。所采用的方法是牛顿连续性方法和逐次逼近的方法。
By means of a prior estimation of the solution of the linear boundary- value problem, using the successive approximation method and Neutow Continuity method, we proved the existence and uniqueness theorem of the solution of the following strong nonlinear Riemann-Haseman boundary-value problem ω+(α(t))=G(t)ω-(t)+F(t,ω+(α(t)),ω-(t))+g(l) ω(z)=0(|z|-x) |z|→∞for the qusilinear system ωz=H (z, ω) where. F (t, p, q) is a nonlinear function of order m>1 for p and q.