文章页码:596 - 601
关键词:两性捕收剂; 菱锌矿浮选; 硫酸铅浮选; 萤石浮选
Key words:amphoteric collector; flotation smithsonite; flotation Lead sulfate; flotation fluorite
摘 要:文中简要介绍了同分异构原理及其发展,在此原理指导下合成了21种两性捕收剂,用浮选菱锌矿、硫酸铅和萤石能筛选出R-12、6RO-12两种较好的两性捕收剂,用6R0-12浮选柿竹园萤石能得到好的结果,并证明同分异构原理在合成浮选药剂时具有指导作用。
Abstract: This paper has outlined the isomerism principle and its development.Based on this principle 21 types of amphoteric collectors are synthesized and R-12,6R0-12 two types of amphoteric collectors are screened out by the flotation smithsonite,lead sulfate and fluorite.The 6R0-12 is used as a collector in the flotation flurite of Shizhu Yuan and a good result is obtained.It is proved that isomerism principle can direct syntheize new flotatin reagent.