


论文作者:陈世益 洪金益 周芳

文章页码:487 - 492

关键词:新第三纪; 三水型铝土矿; 地洼余动期; 成矿作用; 红土; 夷平面

Key words:neogene period; gibbsitic bauxites; diwa residual-mobility period mineralization; laterite; razed ground

摘    要:我国南方自新第三纪以来出现炎热潮湿的气候,此时是地洼余动期,地壳活动性渐趋减弱,在某些相对稳定又缓慢上升的块断区中,当基岩为中性和基性的火成岩、正长岩、灰岩以及某些花岗岩类时,有可能形成三水型铝土矿。有利的找矿区域是东南沿海和云贵高原南部。

Abstract: In some block-fault regions of South China, where crustal movement weakenedgradually and stabilized relatively and terrene ascended slowly during diwaresidual-mobility period, intermediate and basic igneous rock, alkaline rock, limestone and some granitic rock can be weathered and transformed probably into gibbsiticdeposits since Neogene period when the climate is scorching hot and damp. Thefavourable zones for looking for the deposits are the southeast coastal provinces; and the southern part of Yunnan guizhou Plateau.



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