

论文作者:黄永清 黄辉 王兴妍 王琦 崇英哲 任晓敏

文章页码:409 - 414

关键词:光纤通信; 光波分复用; 光探测器; 谐振腔; 谐振腔增强型光探测器; 解复用

Key words:optical fiber communication; photodetector; resonant cavity; resonant cavity enhanced photodetector; optical wavelength division multiplexing

摘    要:对用于光波分复用(OWDM)系统的高性能解复用接收器件———高性能光探测器的研究作了介绍和分析。这类器件需要同时具备高速、高量子效率、超窄光谱响应线宽的性能。为适应OWDM网络的灵活性、智能化和系统集成化的需要,器件还需具备宽带可调谐的性能。这类器件主要有普通谐振腔增强型(RCE)光探测器、四镜三腔型RCE光探测器、一镜斜置三镜腔光探测器、外腔可调谐RCE光探测器、液晶可调谐RCE光探测器、微机械可调谐RCE光探测器及采用InP 空气隙反射镜的长波长RCE光探测器等器件。本文重点介绍了其中部分器件的研究。

Abstract: The high performance wavelength demultiplexing photodetectors for optical wavelength division multiplexing (OWDM) systems were introduced and analyzed. This type of devices are required to have high-speed, high quantum efficiency and ultra-narrow spectral linewidth simultaneously. Furthermore, it should have wide range tuning for satisfying the flexibility, intelligentizing and integration of systems in the OWDM networks application. This type of devices include resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetectors, four mirror and three-cavity wavelength-selective photodetector, one-mirror-inclined and three-mirror-cavity (OMITMiC) photodetector, external cavity tunable RCE photodetector, tunable RCE photodetector with built-in liquid-crystal layer, micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) tunable RCE photodetector and long wavelength RCE photodetector with InP/air-gap reflector and so on. Some devices mentioned above were also introduced in detail.


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