论文作者:马明军 钟时猷
文章页码:236 - 241
关键词:蠕变试验; 岩石试验/流变力学模型; 粘弹塑性; 软弱岩石
Key words:creep test; rock test/rheological mechanical model; visco-elasto-plasticity; weak rock
摘 要:本文在东乡铜矿砂质页岩的大量单轴压缩蠕变试验基础上,提出了一个适用于软岩的粘弹塑性流变力学模型。该模型更广泛地反映了这类岩石的流变力学特性。此外,应用该模型研究这种砂质页岩的力学性质时,发现了模型参数是应力和时间的函数。
Abstract: Based on a large number of uniaxial compression creep tests of the sandyshale specimens of Dong Xiang Copper Mine,a new visco-elastic plastic rheolo-gical mechanical model for soft rocks,reflecting more extensively rheological me-chanical characteristics of rocks of this type,has been established in this paper.Moreover,when this model is applied to the research on theological mechanicalproperties of the sandy shale it is found that the rheological mechanical parametersof this rock are the function of stress and time.