Machining performance on hybrid process of abrasive jet machining and electrical discharge machining


论文作者:Yan-cherng LIN Yuan-feng CHEN A-cheng WANG Wan-lin SEI

文章页码:775 - 780

Key words:hybrid process; electrical discharge machining; abrasive jet machining; EDM in gas; surface roughness

Abstract: To develop a hybrid process of abrasive jet machining (AJM) and electrical discharge machining (EDM), the effects of the hybrid process parameters on machining performance were comprehensively investigated to confirm the benefits of this hybrid process. The appropriate abrasives delivered by high speed gas media were incorporated with an EDM in gas system to construct the hybrid process of AJM and EDM, and then the high speed abrasives could impinge on the machined surface to remove the recast layer caused by EDM process to increase the efficiency of material removal and reduce the surface roughness. In this study, the benefits of the hybrid process were determined as the machining performance of hybrid process was compared with that of the EDM in gas system. The main process parameters were varied to explore their effects on material removal rate, surface roughness and surface integrities. The experimental results show that the hybrid process of AJM and EDM can enhance the machining efficiency and improve the surface quality. Consequently, the developed hybrid process can fit the requirements of modern manufacturing applications.

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