

论文作者:刘政伟 张红玲 裴丽丽 石义朗 蔡再华 徐红彬 张懿

文章页码:376 - 384


Key words:electrolysis; chromium; chromium oxide; CaCl2-NaCl molten salt

摘    要:通过考察800 °C下固体三氧化二铬(Cr2O3)在等摩尔CaCl2-NaCl熔盐中的电还原过程,得到一个更高效的金属铬制备工艺。利用循环伏安和恒电势电解法考察负载Cr2O3的金属空洞电极的电还原过程,并考察影响Cr2O3电解速率和电解程度的重要电解参数。结果表明:CaCl2-NaCl熔盐可用作直接电解Cr2O3制备金属铬的熔盐;电解参数对电解产品质量影响明显。在最佳电解条件下,得到氧含量为0.5% (质量分数)的节支状金属铬产品,且X射线衍射法没有检测到任何碳化铬存在。此外,CaO较高的溶解度和CaCr2O4较快的晶体生长速率导致大颗粒片状CaCr2O4的生成。与纯CaCl4相比,在CaCl2中添加NaCl可明显改变电解过程和产物形貌。

Abstract: The electro-reduction of chromium oxide (Cr2O3) was investigated in an equimolar mixture of CaCl2-NaCl molten salt at 800 °C for developing a more efficient process for chromium preparation. Cyclic voltammetry and potentiostatic electrolysis were used to study the electro-reduction of the Cr2O3-loaded metallic cavity electrode. In addition, a number of parameters affecting the rate and extent of Cr2O3 electrolysis were considered to better understand the electrolysis process. The results demonstrate that CaCl2-NaCl molten salt is applicable for preparing Cr directly from Cr2O3 and the electrolysis parameters exert great influence on the cathode product. Under optimal experimental conditions, nodular Cr with an oxygen content of 0.5% (mass fraction) was obtained without any chromium carbides detected by XRD. Furthermore, the relatively high solubility of CaO and quite rapid crystal growth result in the formation of large platelet CaCr2O4, and the addition of NaCl to CaCl2 results in several variations on the electrolysis process and the product morphology from pure CaCl2 molten salt.

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