论文作者:郜余军 马立群 丁毅 赵相玉 杨猛 曹歆昕 瞿鑫鑫
文章页码:38 - 41
关键词:金属材料; 储氢合金; 导电剂; 电化学性能
Key words:metal material; hydrogen storage alloy; conductive agent; electrochemical properties
摘 要:以铜粉作为导电剂,与镍氢电池负极材料MLNi3.8Co0.75Mn0.4Al0.2储氢合金粉按不同质量比混合后制成电极,研究储氢合金电极的电化学性能。结果表明,当储氢合金与铜导电剂按质量比1∶2混合制成电极时,储氢合金电极的活化性能最优。以60mA/g放电电流放电时,合金电极的比容量达到305mA·h/g,但放电平台略低,极化阻值为251.3mΩ·g,交换电流密度达到102.26mA/g,合金电极的电化学反应阻抗最小。
Abstract: The hydrogen storage alloy electrode for Ni/MH battery is prepared by MLNi3.8Co0.75Mn0.4Al0.2 mixed with various mass conductive agents of Cu powder,and the electrochemical properties of the alloy electrode are investigated.The results show that the electrochemical properties are satisfactory when the weight ratio of hydrogen storage alloy to Cu powder is 1∶2.The specific discharge capacity of the hydrogen storage alloy with lowest charge-transfer resistance reaches to 305 mA·h/g at a constant discharge current rate of 60mA/g,but the discharge plateau is low.The polarization resistance and the exchange current of the hydrogen storage alloy are 251.3mΩ·g and 102.26mA/g,respectively.The hydrogen storage alloy electrode has the lowest polarization resistance.
摘 要:以铜粉作为导电剂,与镍氢电池负极材料MLNi3.8Co0.75Mn0.4Al0.2储氢合金粉按不同质量比混合后制成电极,研究储氢合金电极的电化学性能。结果表明,当储氢合金与铜导电剂按质量比1∶2混合制成电极时,储氢合金电极的活化性能最优。以60mA/g放电电流放电时,合金电极的比容量达到305mA·h/g,但放电平台略低,极化阻值为251.3mΩ·g,交换电流密度达到102.26mA/g,合金电极的电化学反应阻抗最小。
关键词:金属材料; 储氢合金; 导电剂; 电化学性能