

论文作者:熊伟 李耀庄 严加宝

文章页码:2838 - 2843


Key words:thermal field; FEM method; fire; reinforced concrete beam

摘    要:为研究钢筋混凝土梁在火灾作用下抗火性能,利用有限单元法与有限差分法混合解法,给出钢筋混凝土梁截面高温下温度分布数值计算方法,并编制数值模拟程序以分析高温下钢筋混凝土梁瞬态温度场。采用该分析程序计算结果与火灾试验结果对比分析,计算数据与试验结果吻合,表明此计算方法切实可行,数值模拟程序可较好预测钢筋混凝土梁火灾下截面温度场的分布。

Abstract: In order to investigate the structural performances of reinforced concrete (RC) beams when exposed to fire, numerical computing method for temperature distribution of RC beams was developed by employing coupled FEM & FDM technique. Based on the numerical computing method, a FEM numerical simulation program was then established with the objective of analyzing the transient thermal field of RC beams under elevated temperature. The computational results are verified against the data obtained by experimental tests of RC beams under fire conditions, indicating that the analytical procedure is reasonably practicable in application of the numerical simulation program.

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