Depressing effect of phenoxyl acetic acids on flotation of minerals containing Ca2+/Mg2+ gangues


论文作者:张剑锋 胡岳华 王淀佐 徐竞

文章页码:763 - 763

Key words:flotation; depressing effect; depressant; phenoxyl acetic acid; calcite; serpentine

Abstract: Phenoxyl acetic acids were applied to determine their depressing effect on minerals containing Ca2+/Mg2+ gangues. Calcite, mixture of calcite and fluorite, and nickel ore were used in the flotation. And the depression mechanism was studied by the determination of contact angle, zeta potential, adsorptive capacity of collector, and IR analysis as well. It is found that 0.1 mmol/L of phenoxyl acetic acid derived from pyrogallol or gallic acid exhibits strong depressing ability on calcite in almost zero yields at pH value of 9.8, and calcite can be depressed in the flotation of calcite/fluorite mixture for approximate 87% yield of fluorite. The flotation result of practical nickel ore containing serpentine indicates that these two depressants may also show better depression performance to serpentine than traditional depressants such as sodium fluosilicate and carboxylmethyl cellulose. Analysis for the depression mechanism reveals that there exists strong chemical interaction between the depressants and minerals.

基金信息:the Plan of High Learning Young Teacher of Zhejiang Province, China
the Ningbo Youth Science Fund, China
the Ningbo University for PhD


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