论文作者:吴超 周勃 王海宁
文章页码:17 - 21
关键词:卤化物; 氧化钙; 氧化镁; 吸湿性; 防尘
Key words:chlorides; calcium oxide; magnesium oxide; water absorbing ability; dust prevention
摘 要:由于CaCl2,MgCl2水溶液呈弱酸性,在严格控制酸性液体的区域其应用受到了限制.因此,本文采用试验方法在卤化物中添加CaO和MgO后测定其吸湿、保水和中和酸性效果等,以便拓宽其应用领域.研究结果表明,添加CaO和MgO后,卤化物溶液的弱酸性得到有效的控制,而且能粘结粉尘形成稳定土层,但含卤化物试样的吸湿、保水性能明显下降.
Abstract: Since the solution of CaCl2 or MgCl2 is slightly acidulous, their application is often forbidden in the area where acid is restricted. In order to solve the problem, CaO and MgO are added to the chlorides to reduce the acidness. Based on a lot of experiments, the chief results are as follows: CaO and MgO can not only reduce effectively the acidness of the solution but also decrease greatly the water absorbing ability of the chlorides. The more CaO is added, the less water absorbing rate of the chlorides. At the same time, CaO can react with water and CO2 gas in atmosphere and their formation products can gelatinize dust into stable earth. MgO can react with MgCl2 and water and the formation products can also bind dust effectively. These principles are explained in detail.