文章页码:91 - 93
Key words:fouling inhibitor;salt electrolyte;evaporation;encrustation resistant property
摘 要:首次用快速结垢试验研究了高温压煮后的ZX型阻垢剂对食盐电解液蒸发过程的阻垢性能.结果表明,经过150℃高温压煮的ZX型阻垢剂对食盐电解液蒸发过程具有明显的阻垢作用,其中以ZXⅢ型阻垢剂的阻垢效果最好,阻垢率达88.3%.最后从理论上分析了ZX型阻垢剂的阻垢机理.
Abstract: The encrustation resistant property of fouling inhibitor on the evaporation process of salt electrolyte has been firstly investigated by means of high temperature cooking test and rapid fouling test .It shows that the effect of ZX type fouling inhibitor which has been cooked under 150 ℃ on the evaporation process of salt electrolyte is remarkable and the best encrustation resistant effect has been produced by ZXⅢ type fouling inhibitor for its 88 3% encrustation resistant ratio. The encrustarion resistant mechanism of ZX type fouling inhibitor has been analyzed in theory and its prospect of application used in factories has been expounded in the end.