论文作者:周孑民 梅炽 姚汝信 梁英
文章页码:89 - 93
关键词:FORTRAN程序; 点阵打印机; 绘图软件
Key words:FORTRAN program; dot matrix printer; drawing software
摘 要:本文针对许多科技工作者应用计算机进行科学计算后,缺乏专门的绘图设备将数据绘成图形这一普遍存在的问题,用FORTRAH语言研制了点阵打印机绘图的程序。不需要增加任何硬件,便可很方便地绘制出各种设备图、函数曲线图以及标量和矢量场参数的分布图,使研究结果的输出形式更为形象、直观和清晰。
Abstract: In order to plot the results obtained from computer calculation in visua-lized graphical formats a software has been developed In FORTRAN language which can be used to draw various figures, such as isopheth and flux distribu-nons, with a dot matrix printer. The application of the program me has also been described In this paper.