

论文作者:黄明清 吴爱祥 王贻明 韩 斌

文章页码:3660 - 3665


Key words:fault areas; geostress distribution; borehole stress-relief method; lateral pressure coefficient; horizontal tectonic stress

摘    要:为了减小断层区域地应力分布对采矿安全性的影响,采用套孔应力解除法及UPM40三轴应变地应力测量系统开展断层区域3处9点的地应力现场测量。结果表明,尽管岩石内部孔裂隙较发育,从岩芯围压-应力曲线仍可看出3处测量点岩石表现出较好的线弹性。断层区域的水平及垂直应力分量在不同方向上存在明显差异,最大侧压系数高达6.15,最大主应力为8.01~14.93 MPa,应力方向为N78.07°W~N17.55°W。断层区域地应力以水平构造应力为主,由于断层及其破碎带的应力释放,其数值比类似地质区域的应力值低。此外,断层及其区域剪切力部分导致了矿体的非对称延伸及西南向偏移。

Abstract: To minimize negative effects of geostress distribution on mining safety near the fault areas, the UPM40 triaxial geostress testing system was introduced to conduct in-situ geostress measurements at three sites and nine points by the borehole stress-relief method. The results of strain-confining pressure curves show that rock masses at the three measuring sites exhibit comprehensive linear elasticity in spite of various fissures or cracks within rocks. Horizontal and vertical stress components distribute discrepantly near the fault areas, and the maximum lateral pressure coefficient is as high as 6.15. The maximum principle stress ranges from 8.01 to 14.93 MPa, and stress directions are in the range of N78.07°W-N17.55°W. Geostresses near fault areas are dominated by the horizontal tectonic stresses, while the lower values, compared to those under similar geological conditions are due to stress release by the fault. Additionally, the fault and shear stress nearby are partially responsible for asymmetric elongation and southwesterly migration of orebodies.


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