

论文作者:刘祖耀 李世晨 郑子樵 陈大钦 李剑

文章页码:1357 - 1360

关键词:跃迁概率; 晶粒长大; Monte Carlo方法

Key words:transition probability; grain growth; Monte Carlo method

摘    要:根据晶粒长大真实的物理过程提出了构建跃迁概率所必须满足的条件。 在此基础上提出了正确考虑温度影响的跃迁概率, 并采用该概率对晶粒长大过程中温度和第二相粒子含量的作用进行了模拟。 模拟结果可以更真实地反映晶粒长大的物理过程, 又能与已有的计算数据相容, 表现出较传统概率更好的优越性。

Abstract: A series of principles on transition probability was supplied for real grain growth. And in accord with these principles, a modified transition probability considering the influence of temperature was put forward to simulate the grain growth relying on temperature and second phase particles. The results successfully agree with the real physical grain growth and coincide with the original data. It is suggested that the modified transition probability is better than the traditional one.

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