


论文作者:洪金益 杜智明 陆术华 谢国柱

文章页码:8 - 12

关键词:成矿条件; 红土型金矿; 湖南南部

Key words:metallogenic condition; lateritic gold deposit; southern Hunan province

摘    要:以洪水塘红土型金矿为例,研究了湘南地区红土型金矿的成矿条件.认为湘南地区的地理位置、产在矿化集中区的富含金的原岩、干湿分明的气候条件和以缓慢上升为主的块断构造差异运动的大地构造背景等条件,对形成红土型金矿都是很有利的,是寻找这类矿床的良好靶区.

Abstract: The authors take Hongshuitang lateritic gold deposit for example to discuss the metallogenic conditions of lateritic gold deposit in the southern Hunan province. The authors suggest that the geographic latitude, Au rich base rocks located in the metallogenic concentration region, apparent drought and moisture climate and geotectonic setting of dominant slow lift and fault block differential movement of the region are appropriate to form lateritic auriferous ore. And it is suggested that the region is a good target region for this type of deposit prospecting.


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