论文作者:田绍槐 蔡朝曦 田争 田敏
文章页码:637 - 642
Key words:fault-tolerant routing; optimal path set; optimal path matrices; hypercube; multi-computers systems
摘 要:提出了针对超立方体结构多处理机系统的最优通路集的新概念和建立基于最优通路集的最优通路矩阵(OPSBOPMs)的新算法,并给出了基于OPSBOPMs的容错路由算法,证明了该算法是基于最优通路矩阵(OPMs)和基于扩展最优通路矩阵(EOPMs)容错路由算法的扩展.研究结果表明:该算法的存储开销与OPMs的相同,但记录的最优通路的信息包含了它们所记录的最优通路的信息,使搜索最优通路的能力增强.
Abstract: The authors propose a new concept of the optimal path set and a newalgorithm in the construction of the Optimal-Path-Set-Based Optimal PathMatrices (OPSBOPMs) in hypercube multi-computers, and gives a fault-toler-ant routing algorithm based on OPSBOPMs which has proved to be an extension of the fault-tolerant routing algorithm based on the Optimal PathMatrixes (OPMs) and the Extended Optimal Path Matrices (EOPMs). Compared with OPMs and EOPMs, the OPSBOPMs algorithm has further improvement in optimal path searching capacity, including the same amount of system memory resource and the optimal path information recorded by the former.