
Sm对FeCoNbAlSiB非晶软磁合金 的晶化及磁性能的影响


论文作者:卢斌 吴炜 刘岩 朱华伟 蕉羡贺 刘会群 易丹青

文章页码:1048 - 1053


Key words:FeCo-based alloy; melt-spinning; amorphous; magnetic properties

摘    要:采用真空电弧熔炼和真空熔融甩带法制备Fe57-xCo18Nb4Al2Si4B15Smx(x=0~3)非晶合金,借助X射线衍射、差热分析以及振动样品磁强计等手段研究稀土元素Sm对制备合金的非晶形成能力、非晶热稳定性、非晶晶化行为以及磁性能的影响。研究结果表明:添加少量Sm能提高Fe57-xCo18Nb4Al2Si4B15Smx合金的非晶形成能力以及非晶热稳定性;随着Sm含量的增加,初始晶化温度由823 K提高至871 K,过冷液相区由28 K提高到44 K,初始晶化相为α-(FeCo)相,中间硼化物相的形成分2个阶段进行,即在878~943 K范围内析出Fe2B相,在943~1 073 K范围内析出B6Fe23相。随着Sm含量在该系列合金中的增加,其饱和磁感应强度从1.25 T降低至1.09 T,矫顽力从11.2 A/m增至16.9 A/m。

Abstract: The Fe57-xCo18Nb4Al2Si4B15Smx(x=0-3) amorphous alloy ribbons were prepared byvacuum arc melting and melt spinning. The influences of Sm addition on the glass forming ability, thermal stability, crystallization behavior and magnetic properties of Fe57-xCo18Nb4Al2Si4B15Smx amorphous alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analyzer and vibration sample magnetometer survey. The results show that the addition of small amount of Sm improves the glass forming ability and thermal stability of the alloys, and with the increase of Sm contents,the temperature of the initial crystallization and supercooled liquid region increase from 823 K to 872 K and from 28 K to 44 K, respectively. The precipitated primary phase is α-(FeCo) phase while in the second crystallization process Fe2B and B6Fe23 compounds are formed from 878 K to from 943 K and 943 K to 1 073 K, respectively. With the increase of Sm content, saturation magnetic induction density decreases from 1. 25 T to 1. 09 T and coercive force increases from 11.2 A/m up to 16.9 A/m.


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