

论文作者:涂常青 温欣荣

文章页码:70 - 73

关键词:钴Ⅱ; 浮选分离; 亚硝基R盐; 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵

Key words:cobaltⅡ; floatation separation; nitroso R salt; cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide

摘    要:研究了亚硝基R盐-溴化十六烷基三甲基铵-水体系浮选分离钴Ⅱ的行为,探讨了亚硝基R盐(NRS)及溴化十六烷基三甲基铵(CTMAB)用量、pH等因素对Co2+浮选率的影响,得到了浮选分离钴Ⅱ的最佳条件,讨论了Co2+被浮选的机理。结果表明:控制pH值为3.0,当0.01 mol/L NRS溶液和0.01 mol/L CTMAB溶液的用量均为1.00 mL时,Co2+与NRS、溴化十六烷基三甲基铵阳离子(CTMAB+)形成不溶于水的三元缔合物Co(NRS)3·CTMAB,此三元缔合物浮于水相上层形成界面清晰的液-固两相,在两相形成过程中,Co2+被定量浮选,而Zn2+,Mn2+,Ni2+,Cd2+,Pb2+等离子在此条件下不被浮选,实现了Co2+与这些离子的定量分离。方法用于合成水样中痕量Co2+的定量浮选分离测定,浮选率为92.6%~104%。

Abstract: The flotation separation behaviour of CoⅡ by nitroso R salt (NRS)-cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMAB)-water system was studied.The effects of different parameters,such as the dosages of nitroso R salt (NRS) and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMAB) and acidity etc.on the flotation yield of Co2+ have been investigated,and the optimum conditions of flotation separation of CoⅡ were obtained.The possible mechanism for the flotation of CoⅡ was discussed.The results showed that when the dosage of 0.01 mol/L NRS solution and 0.01 mol/ L CTMAB solution were both 1.00 mL,Co2+,NRS and CTMAB+ could form water-insoluble ternary complex(Co(NRS)3·CTMAB) at pH 3.0,which could float above water phase with a clear liquid-solid phase interface.During the formation of the two phases,Co2+ was floated quantitatively while Zn2+,Mn2+,Ni2+,Cd2+ and Pb2+ could not be floated.Therefore,the quantitative separation of Co2+ from these metal ions could be achieved.This method has been used for the flotation separation and determination of trace Co2+ in synthetic water samples,and the flotation yield was 92.6%-104%.

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